Custom Abyss Runes

Custom Abyss runes can be added to your custom character via the config.ini file, as well as the function has_rune( letter )  Reference→.

Each rune, from A to O, can be set in the character’s config.ini file, using the two properties below, replacing the # with the letter of the rune you want to set.

Property Description
rune # type The rune’s type. Can be set to one of the following values:
O – Object modifier, for articles and other things the character creates.
R – Ranged modifier, for projectiles.
H – Hit modifier, for melee attacks.
A – Ability boost, for miscellaneous abilities that aren’t necessarily attacks.
rune # desc The rune’s description, explaining what it actually does.

Example of setting up runes in config.ini:
rune A type="H"
rune A desc="Makes FSTRONG stronger."
rune B type="R"
rune B desc="NSPECIAL's projectile moves way faster."
rune C type="A"
rune C desc="Increased coolness."

Keep in mind that the rune types are fairly arbitrary and don’t change anything gameplay-wise, so if a rune’s effects cover multiple types, just set it to what you think is the most relevant.

As for actually implementing them into your character, making runes affect their abilities, you’ll only need the has_rune( letter )  Reference→ function. This can be used in any script in any way other functions can, returning 1 if the rune is equipped and 0 if it isn’t. Some useful examples of applying this are:
//Conditional runes
if has_rune("A") {
dash_speed = 8;
//Adding a rune's value
max_djumps = 1 + has_rune("B") * 2;
//Modifying attack values
set_hitbox_value( AT_FAIR, 1, HG_DAMAGE, 10 + has_rune("C") * 10 );